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We strive to provide our customers with an optimum level of quality, service and price. In order to achieve these objectives Red Eye Constructions has implemented a Quality system which is aligned to Standard ISO 9001. The Quality System aims to ensure all activities are performed in a systematic and controlled manner, and in an environment conducive to continued improvement and excellence.



Red Eye Constructions is committed to a workplace free from occupational injury and illness, and has a proactive approach to health and safety utilising a robust Health and Safety Management System. The Company’s Work Health and Safety Management System has been developed to meet obligations set down in Work Health and Safety legislation and is aligned with Standard 4801: 2001. It is a fundamental requirement of Red Eye Constructions whilst running its business that the personal safety of everyone at all our sites, whether they are employees, contractors, consultants, or visitors, is the number one priority every day. All personnel have a fundamental right to a healthy and safe working environment, and expect to leave work at the end of the day/shift safe and well.



Red Red Eye Constructions supports the concept of a sustainable environment and considers its protection an essential element of the company’s operations. The Company’s Environmental Management System has been developed to meet obligations of the ISO 14001 Standard. Red Eye Constructions seeks to continually improve its business performance and conduct its operations in an environmentally responsible manner, reflecting a commitment to fostering the sustainable use of the earths’ resources.

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